Wellness & Positive Psychology Coaching

I have over 25 years’ experience within the corporate management consulting arena. This is a fast-paced and dynamic business, and you need to be flexible and resourceful to be successful. Throughout my career, I’ve met those who reached unprecedented heights in their careers and were professionals in their crafts, but deep inside, they still remained unhappy. Some fell into despondency and were very stressed from any setbacks and losses in their lives. On the contrary, others quickly recovered from any adversity and were up to conquer new peaks.

After giving thought to why people respond so differently to events in their lives, I came to the conclusion that those colleagues who were happy – have strong self-esteem and connections with their environment and others – were able to absorb and analyze information quickly, and rapidly climb the career ladder. They were more persistent in problem-solving, and less prone to stress under difficulties.

Wellness has a positive impact across all areas of our lives. My approach to Wellness Coaching is grounded in the guidelines of the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching, in concert with the principles of Applied Positive Psychology.

I collaborate with my clients to enhance their muscle across the areas of Positive Psychology, which can be applied to all the areas of well-being: Character Strengths, Goal-Setting & Goal Seeking, Grit, Resilience, Positive Connections, Happiness – Savoring, Gratitude, and Forgiveness.

Above all, strengths of character influence a person’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to enhance goal-seeking, success, health, and happiness. I work with you to maximize your character strengths to overcome adversity in the process of achieving your goals. Positive Psychology focuses on the extent to which you are aware of and use your signature strengths can greatly impact the quality of your life across the spectrum:

In my opinion, a high-performance life is life when you are most satisfied, appreciative, and feel that you are making a positive impact to the world around you. It is important to me to help you reach a fulfilling and healthy life by understanding your values, drawing up a strategy for your personal development and self-improvement.

My program includes high-performance coaching, a program used by executives and athletes to ensure superior performance. Following this method, you will learn to increase your life satisfaction, live up to your values, and make yourself happier. As your partner, I will assist you every step of the way, from developing a structure for implementing the plan to helping you take the next steps to change and improve your own world.


I am passionate about helping others excel in their personal and professional lives and partnering with
them as they thrive, their organizations thrive, and their worlds thrive.