Career Discovery – MAPP (Motivational Appraisal Personal Potential)

Many people do not know what they want to do with their lives. Whether you are looking to change careers or you are just out of college and want to discover your life’s purpose, the MAPP Assessment is here to help you.

MAPP stands for Motivational Appraisal of Personal Potential. It is an excellent tool for finding an occupation that satisfies your interests, motivations and skills. This is a great tool to help you identify your potential and strengths, helping enable decisions about what you may want to do in the future.

Moreover, with the help of the MAPP, you will understand which learning styles work best for you, as well as how to introduce yourself to managers and colleagues in your next role. Lastly, the MAPP results will also help identify things you may be good at (but may not like), and how you might best manage these in any future career setting.

Your Career as Part of Your Life

Even though career and work are an important part of your life, they are still only parts of it.
That is why you need to choose your occupation in the context of your own world.

We need to determine what you like to do and how you like to do it, gradually implementing it into your life
in a way that will satisfy your personal needs and affect your well-being positively.

Emotional Intelligence – EQ-i 2.0 & EQ-i 360

The level of your emotional intelligence determines how effective and happy you are not only in your professional, but in your personal life as well. I help my clients determine their level of emotional intelligence using the MHS Emotional Intelligence Assessments. I work with every aspect of your results to you understand and increase the overall level of your emotional intelligence, performance, and happiness.

The dimensions of emotional intelligence we focus on in the assessments include:



Interpersonal communications


Stress management

I also administer the EQ-i 360 when working with teams, helping to elevate the emotional intelligence skills and acumen of the organization.


I am passionate about helping others excel in their personal and professional lives and partnering with
them as they thrive, their organizations thrive, and their worlds thrive.