Career Success & Wellness Coaching

A Certified Personal and Executive Coach, a Wellness and Positive
Psychology Coach, and a member of the International Coaching Federation.

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Certifications & Education

Coaching is still an unregulated profession; therefore, anyone can call themselves a coach.
Consequently, it is crucial to research the background, experience, education, and credentials of a coach that is right for you.

Why Choose Success & Wellness Coaching

I love the combination of Career Success & Wellness Coaching because our careers need to feed our souls and, at the same time, fit into the rest of our lives. What we do in the world is a unique expression of who we are. Finding the right career fit and ensuring that all the parameters are a great fit spill over with happiness and contentment into so many other aspects of our lives. And conversely, when we feel good about ourselves, we give our all to our professions or roles in the outside world.

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My Coaching Approach

The main goal of my coaching is to help you to start living a life that will perfectly balance your career development and your personal well-being. I specialize in helping people in achieving the goals they set. The goals can include the following ones:

Starting a business

Career advancement

Finding an overall purpose in your life

Identifying your strengths and weaknesses

Find answers to these and many other questions

Custom approach to every client

While coaching with me, you and I will develop a strategy based on your skills and abilities, and also determine the steps for consistent implementation of the strategy.
Here is the process we will follow:


At this stage, we will determine your strengths, values and motivations, and understand what success means to you. And the most important thing is that we will recreate your goals in your mind and create a new, powerful vision for wellness and success.

Implementating and Improving

At this stage, we will determine your strengths, values and motivations, and understand what success means to you. And the most important thing is that we will recreate your goals in your mind and create a new, powerful vision for wellness and success.


Oftentimes, people know their goals and what they want but do very little to achieve them. We will change that. At this stage, we will learn how to draw up a detailed action plan that will bring you to your goals and desires.


Pausing to applause and embracing self-praise is also an important step towards success. We will analyze your previous experiences, identify the tools and strategies that worked best, and encourage your most successful habits. Acknowledging the positive helps to build powerful, new habits.

Collaborating is the best way to achieve results. Of course, you can work independently and monitor your progress yourself, but working with me as your coach will make it much more efficient and fun.

I will help you to develop a healthy and resilient attitude towards yourself, your successes and failures. We will learn how to turn your inner critic into a loyal ally and your fears into motivation. We will develop your potential and determine what is really important to you

Career Success Coaching

I guide you towards achieving clarity in your abilities and determining your goal, whether it is a career, an occupation, or a personal calling.

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Wellness & Positive Psychology Coaching

I work with you to maximize your character strengths to overcome adversity in the process of achieving your goals.

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Whether you are looking to change careers or you are just out of college and want to discover your life’s purpose, the MAPP Assessment is here for you.

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